local mail to my user account.

Joan Tur joantur at cancullet.org
Sun Jul 17 13:07:05 UTC 2005

Es Diumenge, 17 de Juliol de 2005 14:46, en Joan Tur va escriure:
| | have you done what I told you to do then... set the locking method to
| | "none" in the account properties for your local account in Kmail???
| No, I haven't, because it's working for me... would you like me to try to
| make it work that way?  8-?
I had no messages to collect, but it seems to work fine using locking method = 

Joan Tur (aka Quini), Eivissa-Spain
    Jabber: quini2k at jabber.org
       Yahoo & AIM: quini2k
  Linux: usuari registrat 190.783
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