Question about poor quality of fonts

R.Koendering r.p.m.koendering at
Wed Jul 6 22:46:42 UTC 2005

As user of Kubuntu and PCLinuxOS I can not understand the difference in fonts 
on my screen

PCLinuxOS has a better quality then kubuntu although both systems uses Xorg!

Is there a possibility to improve on Kubuntu?

I currently use Bitsream Vera Sans with anti-aliasing and still a huge 
difference . . . . . . . . . . 
Vriendelijke groeten / Kind Regards,

Ruud / Rudolf

R.P.M. Koendering
Sr. project manager
De Wickelaan 11
2265 DG  Leidschendam
Tel/Phone: +31(0)70 - 3271506
Mobiel: +31(0)6 - 41372381
E-mail: r.p.m.koendering at

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