Dual head system setup

Kelly L. Fulks kfulks at knology.net
Tue Dec 20 13:22:47 UTC 2005

On Tuesday 20 December 2005 03:45 am, Serg B. wrote:
> Hi All,
> I just purchased a GeForce FX 5200 (AGP slot) card and another one is
> inbult into the mother board. Can somebody help me in setting up a dual
> head system? So I can use 2 monitors as 1.
> Thanks,
>    Serg

First are you sure that they will both operate at the same time.  Some 
motherboards will automatically disable the on-board video when a video card 
is plugged into an AGP or PCI slot.  If your motherboard does that, you can't 
do dual head using the on-board video.

Below is a link in the wiki on doing dual head on a Thinkpad R52, but it has 
the configuration stuff that should work.

I haven't done dual head with two monitors, but I do use dual head with the TV 
out on my Nvidia card and this looks similar to my configuration but adjusted 
for two monitors.

I hope that this helps.

Kelly L. Fulks
Home Account
near Huntsville, AL

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