KMyMoney2 0.8.1 - will it be in the backports?

Claudia Ringwald claudia_ringwald at
Mon Dec 19 15:17:37 UTC 2005

Am Montag, 19. Dezember 2005 15:27 schrieb Art Alexion:
> Thanks, Claudia.  Worked fine (though I had to apt-get remove kmymoney2
> [0.6.4] first,  because dpkg refused to overwrite it).

Yep - I did forget to mention this - I had the same problem. Sorry. 

> BTW, the sourceforge URL now has the Kubuntu deb for 0.8 (but not yet
> 0.8.1).  The 0.8 deb seems to work fine in hoary.

Oh fine - because I am using breezy (and there is a 0.8 included) I never did 
check the kmymoney2-page for a package of this version. 
Great that you succeeded. 



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