How to clean up unnecessary dependencies?

Simon Rönnqvist simon at
Thu Dec 8 00:52:09 UTC 2005

On Thursday 01 December 2005 16:47, Derek Broughton wrote:
> Steve Turnbull wrote:
> > All of the front end apps (Synaptic, Kynaptic, Aptitude et al) all track
> > these dependencies for this reason.
> I'm fairly certain only aptitude actually does that...  All of the GUI
> package tools simply use apt-get or aptitude as a back end.

Do you know of any GUI that actually uses aptitude as a back end?
Considering that apt-get and aptitude actually have quite similar input and 
output it shouldn't be a very big step to migrate GUI applications such as 
Adept and Synaptic towards that. The only thing is that due to aptitude's 
vast functionality one might like to add some of it to the GUI too.

  cheers, Simon

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