kmail kaddressbook problem

Merv Curley mcurley at
Mon Dec 5 02:25:13 UTC 2005

On Sunday 27 November 2005 03:28, dave s wrote:
> I have had kmail stability probs from day one, if I dpkg -P kmail
> and re apt-get it I thought I would loose all my carefully setup
> kmail config.
> What files did you save to keep your address book and kmail data
> intact ?
> Cheers
> Dave

Wow, I haven't picked up my mail here for awhile,  sorry for the 

In your $HOME directory you will see a hidden file  /.kde,  this is 
where most of the good KDE stuff is.  Open /share and /apps.  If you 
look in the konqueror directory you will find your bookmarks file,  
in kabc  you will find your address file, std.vcf and so on.  These 
can all be copied to another distro, should you want to try one out, 
or just saved regularly.  if you close /apps and open /config  you 
will find the config files for all your kde apps.  Again these can be 
copied to another distro so you don't have to figure out all the 
little tweaks you did to kate for example.

As I recall kubuntu didn't show me my Mail directory in my $HOME 
directory when I installed, so I went looking in the kmail config 
file (kmailrc), and in the General section there was a line 
[  folders=something ]  which I changed to  folders=/home/merv/Mail. 
Now when I ran kmail,  it read the Mail directory which I had copied 
from my previous distro.  You can leave yours where Kubuntu has it,  
in the [ /.kde/share/apps/kmail directory]?  Copy it somewhere else, 
floppy - whatever and then copy it back when you have done your 

Hopefully I have given you enough info for you to continue your 
detective work.  At any rate something is wrong in Denmark if Kmail 
isn't stable.  

Good luck


Merv Curley
Toronto, Ont.Can

Linux    Kubuntu 5.1.0
KDE    v. 3.4.2
Kontact  v. 1.1.2

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