NFS mount is slow

James Gray james at
Sat Dec 3 09:37:13 UTC 2005

On Sat, 3 Dec 2005 20:23, Aikurn wrote:
> > On Sat, 3 Dec 2005 10:31, Rama Krishna wrote:
> > i am trying to mount NFS sharing volume on my ubuntu mechine.
> > when i gave the command  "sudo mount -t nfs /music",
> > it will take couple minutues for mounting filesystem.
> > anybody tell me the solution.
> Also, make sure you have the packages nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server
> installed on your system.

(top posting fixed)

You *don't* need nfs-kernel-server OR nfs-user-server if you only want to 
act as a client.  From the OP's description of the problem, the file system 
eventually mounts but it takes a long time - this is usually because the 
CLIENT is not running the portmapper (or occasionally it's a DNS problem).  

In either case you should not install the nfs server packages unless you 
want to serve local file systems.

Ad astra per aspera.
	[To the stars by aspiration.]
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