Ubuntu to Kubuntu

Donatas G. dgvirtual at akl.lt
Fri Aug 19 11:01:07 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Wael Mardam-Bey ra??:
> Hi all,
>  I have an installation of Ubuntu running on a Dell Latitude laptop that 
> seems to be running fine. I am now trying to install Kubuntu on the same 
> laptop to replace the Ubuntu version I have now ; Ubuntu 5.0.4. When I 
> insert the Kubuntu installation CD in the laptop and start up the laptop, 
> the installation CD does not kick of automaticlly. What am I doing wrong?
>  I would really appreciate someones help on this.

Unless you do not have an internet connection, you should not try to
install a new version of Kubuntu.

The fast way to get KDE on Ubuntu (which means having kubuntu) is:

add your kubuntu cd to the sources using synaptic package manager (don'
have gnome here, so don't remember, which menu option it is, but it must
be pretty evident there).

Then install the package kubuntu-desktop either via command

sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

or using synaptic package manager.

The packages will be taken from your CD, you will be asked to insert it.
You will have KDE 3.4.0, and then, if you have internet, you can update
it (eg., 'sudo apt-get update' in the console window) to have the
bugfixes installed.

Alternatively, you can get KDE 3.4.2 (which is much better, and, if you
have a fast internet);

edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file to include a special Kubuntu
repository, one listed here:

and then do in the command line

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

You should get a nice kubuntu desktop, and at the boot you will be asked
to choose, which desktop (KDE or Gnome) to use.

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