<div dir="ltr">userconfig in raring is broken because of two things:<div>a) it provides a KCM desktop file that uses kpythonpluginfactory to load userconfig in a kcm shell, that factory is not compatible with python >=3.2 (I have a fix for this)</div>
<div style>b) userconfig itself is not compatible with python3</div><div style><br></div><div style>so, we can do any of the following to resolve the situation:</div><div style>a) switch to kuser (less debian geared, uglier UI, but C++ so no crap runtime compat issues like these)</div>
<div style>b) someone ports userconfig to python3</div><div style>c) we ditch the entire KCM idea and integrate userconfig as foreign app in systemsettings (which will start it as separate window, which is the case anyway as userconfig is root-only) so we can force it to use python2 (should be easy to do)</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>it ought to be noted that unless someone ports userconfig to python3 it will have to be dropped in the long run. alternatively if someone feels strongly about this issue, we have some sort of c++ port of userconfig going that was supposed to replace kuser in KDE SC, the port could be moved along for a long-term fix.</div>
<div style><br></div><div style>HS</div></div>