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Good Morning All,<br>
Along with the configuration issue I had with setting up the sound
on my desktop system,<br>
there is a driver priority issue as well. Like many folks I have an
ATI video card with an HDMI<br>
output, this gets set as the default sound device, because it loads
before the Realtek<br>
portion of the hda_intel module. As known, the HDMI output has no
mixer controllable<br>
features, other than mute, in either pulseaudio or phonon, JACK
doesn't even play nice there.<br>
Another anomaly is degradation of the sound stream after time in
Amarok, after about<br>
30min of playing, the sound started skipping and halting, (mem leak,
thread chase?).<br>
Another issue I had with the 10.10 which is more critical than sound
driver problems is<br>
the new kernel has been compiled without VM support, ie. "Parallels"
is non loadable as<br>
its modules will not compile, because the headers in /lib/modules
are lacking the required files.<br>
I have not yet had the chance to check out if QEMU and the other
native VMs will function.<br>
After I get it a little more documented I will start a separate bug
filing on it, as well as my next issue.<br>
There seems to be a bug in the permissions department, when signed
in using<br>
kdesu or sudo it reassigned the ownership of the config files in my
home directory<br>
and cache files in /var to root, this rendered my desktop unusable
until I logged out<br>
and reset the ownership to myself via the recovery console.<br>
It also assigned portions of the /home and /usr directory to another
user, such as lost&found<br>
and trash, and some of the other KDE files in /usr/lib and
<b>(This is a BIG!! problem)</b>. Could this be associated with the
pulseaudio business?<br>
<span class="moz-smiley-s7"><span> :-\ </span></span><br>