Fwd: 24.04 Kubuntu problems

Walter Lapchynski wxl at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 16 21:56:33 UTC 2024

Looking in the power management settings, I find:
 * screen blanking is set by default
 * suspend is *not* set by default
 * hibernate doesn't even have an option there

Regarding the latter, I note even that Kickoff lacks the option, too.
This is not surprising given that Ubuntu as a whole disabled it quite a
while back.

That said, maybe there's some confusion here? Maybe something to do with
the user's install being some weird Kubuntu/XFCE hybrid?

Anyways, I have found that it is unreasonable to expect that hibernate
will work across all devices in the same fashion. In that sense, I
wholly support not offering it as an option. That said, it seems folks
are still thinking about bringing it back:

On 2024-04-16 12:53, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
> Folks, please look at the Kubuntu User group for the beginning of this
> discussion. We should (IMO) not have "hibernate" on by default. 
> Thank you,
> Valorie
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Bmarsh <bmarsh at bmarsh.com>
> Date: Tue, Apr 16, 2024 at 7:37 AM
> Subject: Re: 24.04 Kubuntu problems
> To: Valorie Zimmerman <valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com>
> Ok, I tried ubuntu-bug against hibernate and it told me the bug can't
> be reported because "can't report a problem against a package that is
> not installed"
> I think I have all my problems solved by:
> masking the hibernate/suspend to eliminate the hibernate.
> killing light-locker to remove the re-login after a session goes to
> sleep
> The above also seems to have cured my problem of audio going to sleep
> as well.
> On 4/16/24 00:27, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
>> Hello Bmarsh, have you filed a bug and put the bug report # into the
>> QA tracker? This sounds important, and I would not like to see it go
>> unseen. I don't want my laptops to hibernate without my say-so! 
>> Reporting the bug is easy: `ubuntu-bug` now works well again in the
>> terminal or konsole; file against hibernate. See
>> https://kubuntu.org/news/testing/ for more. 
>> All the best,  
>> Valorie
>> Valorie 
>> On Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 4:12 PM Bmarsh <bmarsh at bmarsh.com> wrote:
>>> I reported earlier on some nits I found during the Beta install. 
>>> The major one being that hibernation was turned on and was causing
>>> a computer hibernation when it wasn't wanted.
>>> Some new problems:
>>> When a session goes to sleep (display blanking) upon wake-up
>>> requires a login again.  I've been trying to find a way to
>>> eliminate the re-login.  BTW, I load Kubuntu on install and then
>>> switch to Xfce.
>>> Major show-stopper:  I also do long downloads of audio material
>>> which might take 5 hrs or more.  I find that the audio shuts down
>>> after the terminal is put to sleep but it will re-awake when the
>>> terminal is awakened.  
>>> So all of my problems deal with hibernate/sleep.  I was able to
>>> turn off the hibernate function but it shouldn't have been on in
>>> the first place.  This on a desktop PC.
>>> -- 
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>> she/her. "Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see
>> yourself running with them." - Marcus Aurelius
> -- 
> she/her. "Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see
> yourself running with them." - Marcus Aurelius

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