Testing for the Beta – help needed!
Valorie Zimmerman
valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 21:12:43 UTC 2020
Kubuntu 20.04 Testing Week
The Kubuntu team is delighted to announce an ‘Ubuntu Testing Week’ from
April 2nd to April 8th with other flavors in the Ubuntu family. April 2nd
is the beta release of what will become Kubuntu 20.04 and during this week,
there will be a freeze on changes to features, the user interface and
documentation. Between April 2nd and final release on April 23rd, the
Kubuntu team and community will focus on ISO testing, bug reporting, and
fixing bugs. Please join the community by downloading the daily ISO image
and trying it out, even beginning today.
QA tracker: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/408/builds
>From this main page, click on the ‘Kubuntu Desktop amd64’ link to arrive at
the testcases page. On the testcases page, you can download the ISO by
clicking the ‘Link to the download information’ and report test results to
the various test cases for Kubuntu. If you see other flavors needing
testing on the main page, please test for them as well.
Chat live on IRC (#ubuntu-quality) or telegram (UbuntuTesters:
https://t.me/UbuntuTesters) if you like, during this time of pandemic
social distancing.
If you have no spare computer to use for testing, no problem! You can test
without changing your system by running it in a VM (Virtual Machine) with
software like Virtualbox, or running it in the live session from a USB or
DVD, so you can also test if your hardware works correctly. We encourage
those that are willing, to install it either in a VM or on physical
hardware–requires at least 6GB of harddisk space–and use it continuously
for a few days, as more bugs can be exposed and reported this way.
The easy way to report a bug is to open up Konsole by pressing alt+space
and typing konsole or Menu > Konsole and then typing `*ubuntu-bug
packagename*`, where packagename is the program or application where you
experience the bug.
If you prefer working in the terminal, open the virtual console (terminal)
by pressing control + alt + F2, 3, 4 etc. and typing `ubuntu-bug
packagename`, where packagename is the program or application where you
experience the bug. Control + Alt + F1 to return to your desktop. If a
crash has landed you in the terminal, login with your usual user name and
password, and report the bug as above.
Here is a nice youtube video showing the entire process, including one way
to figure out what packagename is appropriate in GNOME:
Using ‘ubuntu-bug’ will automatically upload error logs and/or other files
to Launchpad that developers need to fix the bug. By the way, the
installer’s packagename is ubiquity. Experience tells us that is the most
useful packagename to know for ISO testing when things go wrong with the
installation. The live session software package is casper, should you
encounter bugs affecting the live session itself, not programs. Other
programs with bugs should be filed against their packages, for instance
firefox, dolphin, vlc, etc. Only the bug *number* is needed when reporting
the results of a test on the QA tracker.
Please test programs / applications that you regularly use, so you can
identify bugs and regressions that should be reported. New ISO files are
built every day; always test with the most up-to-date ISO. It is easier and
faster to update an existing daily ISO with the command below (first
right-click on the ISO’s folder in Dolphin and select ‘Open in Terminal’)
or just open konsole or yakuake and `cd path-to-ISO-folder`. Zsync
downloads only changes, so it’s very quick.
$ *zsync
See you on the QA tracker!
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