Trusty 14.04 LTS end of life, and end of Kubuntu support for Xenial 16.04 LTS.

Rik Mills rikmills at
Sun Apr 21 20:58:48 UTC 2019

As the newly released Kubuntu 19.04 makes it's way into the world,
inevitably other things come to their end.

Kubuntu 14.04 LTS was released in April 2014, and reaches 'End of Life'
for support on 25th April 2019. All Kubuntu users should therefore
switch to a newer supported release. Upgrades from 14.04 to a newer
release are not advised, so please install a fresh copy of 18.04 or
newer after running a backup of all your data.

Kubuntu 16.04 LTS was released on 21st April 2016, and was supported for
Kubuntu for a period of year 3 years [1]. Kubuntu 16.04 LTS support
therefore ends 21st April 2019, and users are invited to upgrade to
18.04 LTS, or perform a fresh install of that or newer release.

I would thank users of both releases, especially for the amazing
additional community support on IRC, forums, mailing lists, and elsewhere.

Rik Mills
Kubuntu Council
Kubuntu Devel


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