Second Disco Dingo test rebuild

Matthias Klose doko at
Sat Apr 6 14:22:18 UTC 2019

The second test rebuild of Disco Dingo was started on April 04 2019 for
all architectures, just the main component.  For technical reasons we were not
able to start that rebuild earlier, and a rebuild for the universe component
wouldn't finish before the 19.04 release.

The usual comment about increasing build failures compared to the previous
release cannot be proven this time, however a first look at the build failures
in main suggests that disco uploads for the kernel, glibc, glib2.0 and vala were
made without checking for the impact of build failures.

Results (please also look at the superseded builds) can be found at

The report uses some additional color coding, marking packages different which
always failed to build, or where the build failure is no regression compared to
bionic.  Bug reports for all build failures are filed.

Additional build failures for packages in disco-proposed (not yet in disco)
can be found at

Please help fixing the build failures.


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