Fwd: Interest in a KDE Distro BoF?

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 23:19:48 UTC 2018

Hello folks, I'm going to Akademy! Tickets are bought, accomodations
are booked, and funding is applied for.  Now it's time to plan how to
support Kubuntu there. Who else is going? If you have registered, you
are on the attendees list and got the below. If not, please register
now: https://akademy.kde.org/2018

I've signed myself up for the BoF below, and hope that some of the
rest of you will be there as well. So far there is only one other
person signed up.


What are the important points I should cover, or would someone else
prefer to do the talk?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Kofler <kevin.kofler at chello.at>
Date: Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 4:13 PM
Subject: Interest in a KDE Distro BoF?
To: akademy-attendees at kde.org


I would be interested in hosting a BoF for KDE distros, i.e., GNU/Linux
distributions or distribution remixes focusing on Plasma and on KDE/Qt
applications (e.g.: KDE Neon, Kubuntu, Netrunner, OpenSUSE, KaOS, Kannolo,
etc. (list in arbitrary order and with no expectation of completeness)).

Please note that this is my first time trying to organize a track at any
conference, so please bear with me if I ask the wrong questions.

My concept would look as follows:

1. A lightning talk session where every KDE distribution can present itself in a
   few minutes and talk about the choices and experiences made. Of course,
   Plasma need not be the only desktop environment on the distribution to fit in
   into this session, but other desktop environments should not be the focus of
   the presentation. (If we can get a video projector ("beamer") in the seminar
   room, that would be nice, otherwise we'll have to be content with the
   blackboard/whiteboard.) These presentations may also be interesting (to
   listen to) to non-distribution people (KDE developers and even users).

followed by

2. A common open discussion (classic BoF) round where we can all talk together
   and share experiences and solutions. And I really mean "all" here: even if
   you just package some KDE application for a non-KDE distribution, you may
   still contribute to the discussion. Only the space constraints of the room
   shall limit attendance.

The topics of interest are:
* building a distribution, either from scratch or by choosing an upstream
  distribution to "remix",
* packaging KDE software (Plasma, KDE Applications) for distributions,
* building a user experience: customizations to Plasma, choice of applications
  (e.g., Falkon vs. Firefox, minimal vs. complete default application choice,
* challenges encountered that may be of interest to other distributions.

My questions are:
* Is there interest in this?
* How many KDE distribution people will be present at Akademy? I see KDE Neon
  has enough people to do a dedicated BoF, and there is me from Kannolo, what
  other distros are coming? Are there distro packagers from the Akademy sponsors
  (i.e., from Netrunner, Kubuntu and OpenSUSE) coming? And anyone else?
* So, as per the above, should I reserve some remaining slot(s) for it?
* If yes, what day and time would you prefer? I would go for some time on
  Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday even though slots are filling up on these days
  because more people will still be there and because Thursday and Friday also
  have the trainings.
* Is the format sound? Would you rather jump straight to informal discussion? Or
  would you even rather make this a pure talk session? (I figured a mix of both
  is probably the best to make everybody happy, but there may be other ideas.)

Kind regards,
        Kevin Kofler


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