New Qt Discussion Channel

Simon Quigley tsimonq2 at
Tue Jan 2 01:46:01 UTC 2018

Hello everyone,

Since Qt is a major foundational framework for two flavors (Kubuntu and
Lubuntu Next), and soon to be Ubuntu Budgie (given where upstream
Solus/Budgie is going), I thought it was about time to create a place to
collaborate on Qt-specific packaging, transition, and bug triage work
pertaining to the Qt framework.

That place is now #ubuntu-qt on freenode and is bridged to Telegram at

Anyone is welcome to join, but please keep in mind that it's Qt-specific
technical discussion, and *this is not the place to get support for your
favorite Qt-based Ubuntu flavor*.

Thanks everyone, and Happy New Year!
Simon Quigley
tsimonq2 at
tsimonq2 on freenode and OFTC
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