New Kubuntu Councillors meeting
Rik Mills
rikmills at
Fri Sep 22 20:51:40 UTC 2017
Rick kindly set up a Phab task [1] (summarised below) to organise a
meeting to get the the new Council members, and the council
collectively, off to a great start for the next year and cycle.
and a doodle poll for a time/date in the next week or so.
Please vote on time/date.
Notes from the last Kubuntu Vision meeting can be found at:
Thank you all.
*** Phab task summary ***
New Kubuntu Councillors meeting
Objective: Hold a meeting with council to brief new council members and
co-ordinate activity.
Planning - RT will setup a doodle poll to choose a date
Venue - Probably BBB
- Welcome and introductions
- The vision for Kubuntu ( I think Ovi did a lot of work on this before,
perhaps we can build on this ) #The year ahead, what would we like to
- How do we go about doing so
- Defining and assigning actions, and time lines
- Follow up, when do we confirmed again
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