Stepping down temporarily
Valorie Zimmerman
valorie.zimmerman at
Mon Sep 18 05:44:41 UTC 2017
On Fri, Sep 15, 2017 at 7:47 AM, Gustavo Silva <gsilvapt at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> During this summer, I had the privilege to work with the Kubuntu Packaging
> team and it was a cheerful period. Some of you gave me a purpose when I
> needed the most and I can't thank enough for that.
> However, my life circumstances are changing rapidly (thus I'm absent for a
> long time now) and I am feeling the need to step down for a while until
> things stabilize a bit. In some way, out of respect, I believe you guys
> ought to know about this decision without looking like another guy who
> disappeared out of nowhere.
Thanks for speaking up!
> Some know that I will take a postgraduate degree in computer science this
> next fall and I need to dedicate lots of time to it as they mention the
> program is very strict and rigorous. I definitely do not want to mess that
> up as it is part of my career goals.
> So, without taking much more of your time, I wanted to thank everyone who
> has helped me learning more about OS work, packaging and all the time I
> bothered you guys with rookie questions! I have learned a lot and sure know
> how much underappreciated this work you all do is. If it is worth anything,
> thank you for making this distribution possible and I am sure a lot more
> people appreciate your work even if they do not express themselves.
> I will still be online via IRC and I hope to get back contributing very
> soon.
> Regards,
> Gustavo.
> --
> Best Regards / Obrigado e com os melhores cumprimentos,
> Gustavo Silva
Have so much fun in your studies, and visit us when you have some
time. You are always welcome! And as you know, we always need testers.
Thanks for your contributions so far.
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