Can anyone try to run Kexi on Kubuntu 17.10?

Rik Mills rikmills at
Thu Oct 26 13:42:39 UTC 2017

This is fixed in debian with commit:

in 1:3.0.2-3 or later

this will autosync to bionic when those syncs are turned on.

meanwhile we can look at an SRU for artful.


On 25/10/17 23:58, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> Hello,
> I am not sure the software is actually tested on deployment or how it is tested.
> Because (as someone not involved in deployment) I have no access to
> Kubuntu machines, could anyone be so kind and try to run Kexi on
> Kubuntu 17.10?
> I would appreciate.
> A bug report from a user is as follows:
>> I downloaded a Kubuntu 17.10 image, and ran "sudo apt-get install kexi". That ran without errors, but when I then try to open Kexi by typing kexi in a Terminal I get
>> this error: "Could not open icon resource file 'breeze-icons.rcc'. Kexi will not start. Please check if Kexi is properly installed.'
> TIA!

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