Alternatives to org.kde.plasma.desktop

Franklin Weng franklin at
Mon Aug 28 13:44:46 UTC 2017

Hi Marco,

2017-08-28 1:13 GMT+08:00 Marco Martin <notmart at>:

> On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 7:03 PM, Franklin Weng
> <franklin at> wrote:
> >
> > you shouldn't have to touch the plasmashellrc file, (and if so, it's
> > bound to break)
> >
> >
> > And do I have to "dirty hack" (directly change the content of ) the
> > layout.js defined in the plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.desktop to set up
> my
> > default desktop plasmoids and activities?
> uh, not in plasma/shells/org.kde.plasma.desktop but in
> plasma/shells/whatever
> where "whatever" is the name of the look and feel package you created,
> preferibly with the lookandfeelexplorer utility
> > I want to setup the default activity / desktop layout and plasmoids /
> > default panels.  Do they all contain in the look-n-feel package?   The
> above
> > settings seem not to define in the /usr/share/plasma/look-n-feel/
> folders.
> they come from la layout.js file, which a look and feel package can provide
> >
> >> in the source code (I searched "plasmashellrc" in but no
> any
> >> result.)
> >>
> >> The layout-templates is also still in the same condition.  I couldn't
> find
> >> an alternative way instead of directly change the layout.js in it.
> >
> > yes, your look and feel package would have your edited layout.js file.
> > also check the application "lookandfeelexplorer" from the plasma-sdk
> repo.
> > you can create a rough package from whatever is your current
> > customized setup, then you continue editing the generated package from
> > there
> >
> >
> > I did run the look and feel explorer.  However it seems to define more
> about
> > the appearance like icon style, desktop theme, ...etc., which I've
> > successfully set up now.
> that too, and the layout.js file, which should really be customized
> with this mechanism

Thanks for your instructions and after working for nearly the whole day I
finally get it done!

Some more questions about this:

 * lookandfeelexplorer now just allowed me to create a new theme or open an
old theme's folder.  And when I create a new theme it will be created
directly at ~/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel/ with all my current
settings (without a org.kde.*.desktop folder).  I suppose that's the
default and correct behavior, right?  In my live system I created
/usr/share/plasma/look-and-feel/org.kde.ezgo.desktop and copied the
contents into it.  It worked.  I'm wondering if one would create more
different look-n-feel themes (stored in his own home) to select, how can he

* BTW, in the new theme there's a org.kde.plasma.desktop-layout.js file
which contains desktop and panel settings.  One question for the "desktops"
part:  I'd like to set the desktop to the "folderview" mode by default.
What should I put in the js file?  Also, if I want to create more
activities, how to do that?

Again, a lot of appreciations to everyone who helped me!  I'll write a blog
(or maybe add a page in the Techbase Wiki?) with my experiences to help
those who want to customized it like me.

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