Vision for Kubuntu

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Mon Oct 24 04:43:38 UTC 2016

To me, what has always set Kubuntu apart is the slogan JR set long
ago: Friendly computing. I found our software friendly in that it was
tested, and worked. And the team was friendly -- not just with one
another, but actively welcoming newcomers. And I've seen those
newcomers become trusted members of the team over the years.

How do we best continue to demonstrate our vision of what Kubuntu is?

* How we in the team treat one another. Mutual respect involves
honesty and kindness in equal measure, by which I mean (for example)
warning others when you will be making changes that affect their work,
and looking out for one another. It is delightful to see people fixing
bugs, making helpful comments in Trello, checking over our docs for
completeness, writing informative blog posts, and offering to do the
boring jobs along with the flashier stuff.

* Developers paying attention to users in #kubuntu, the forums and the
Kubuntu-user mail list is friendly and inspiring. You never know how
much a kindly, helpful word will spread.

* Reaching out, by attending meetings, cons, festivals and so forth.
Not everyone feels comfortable in doing this, but if you can, do it --
it's fun. Round up a friend to help out, and enjoy yourself. Funding
is available if needed. Another way of reaching out is writing
documentation, blog posts, Dot stories, doing youtube demonstrations,
and the great Kubuntu Podcast. Everybody can help.

Given all that, how can we best work with one another and get our
goals accomplished together? I'd like to hear some other ideas about
our vision for Kubuntu. We're having a meeting soon, so put your
preferred time on the doodle poll if you want to attend:

If you can't or don't want to attend, discussing here is fine. Aaron
has started a page for agenda and notes:

All the best,



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