Kubuntu Vision Meeting - Last minute announcement

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Sat Nov 5 23:09:57 UTC 2016

On Sat, Nov 5, 2016 at 1:55 PM, Clay Weber <clay at claydoh.com> wrote:
> On Saturday, November 5, 2016 7:27:32 PM EDT Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN wrote:
>> We've somewhat established a almost draft of a Vision.
>> We still need to have the second meeting, hopefully not in just IRC.
> Not everyone wants or is able to do things outside of irc
> --
> Clay Weber

IRC is my top choice, and I understand why it makes Ovidiu-Florin so
impatient, too. On the other hand, some changes either on our side, or
in BBB make the sound so garbled for me that I'm unable to understand
anything spoken.

I'm wondering if we can try Mumble again, if voice is still important?
For this meeting, I think the visual element is not of use.


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