qtchooser / qdbusviewer (ksnapshot / spectacle)

TuxMario DETREB tuxmario.detreb at gmail.com
Wed May 25 06:55:50 UTC 2016

Le 25/05/2016 04:09, Valorie Zimmerman a écrit :
> On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Xen <list at xenhideout.nl> wrote:
>> On my system (16.04) there is:
>> qtchooser: /usr/bin/qdbusviewer
>> qttools5-dev-tools: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbusviewer
>> qdbusviewer will try to start
>> qt4-dev-tools: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qdbusviewer
>> but is not installed.
>> installing requires 146 MB additional diskspace.
>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbusviewer works fine when directly
>> invoked, but from KDE it also doesn't work as it probably starts
>> /usr/bin/qdbusviewer
>> I was trying to discover how to replace Spectacle with KSnapshot as I
>> consider the latter a vastly superior program at least in terms of user
>> experience.
>> I realize though you can just use command line options for KSnapshot just
>> fine.
>> Spectacle just has a badly designed UI. "Export to" doesn't make sense,
>> whereas "Send to" does. "Save and exit" with 4 options doesn't make sense,
>> just "Save" does. "Copy to clipboard" doesn't make sense, whereas just
>> "Copy" does. The only thing annoying about KSnapshot is that it maximizes
>> often upon start, and it remembers previous names you have saved under,
>> giving you confusing filenames upon saving. In this case KSnapshot iterates
>> and increases the number of the file.
>> The suffix. It's not very useful unless you explicitly set that as an
>> option, not as the last filename you saved under. Spectacle will directly
>> save to disk upon fullscreen mode activation (shift-print) with a useful
>> predictable name that doesn't make sense but also doesn't confuse.
>> I guess many users would prefer the way of making a screenshot without
>> starting the visible application that Spectacle has, which is something
>> KSnapshot strangely doesn't offer. Personally I have also chosen to stick to
>> that - there is no need for a 3rd flag for KSnapshot for me.
>> -------------------------
>> Spectacle also has weird stuff like the making a screenshot of the window
>> under the cursor with no delay and without a mouseclick (you have to be
>> really fast people) and that this is the default; and that you can make a
>> screenshot of the active window from the UI by clicking on some other window
>> after you have activated it (and not the active window itself) or that
>> "active window" makes sense from the UI at all; why not just click on it
>> then? Active window is an operation for tool-less activation, meaning based
>> on a shortcut. It has no place in a UI that is itself the active window when
>> you use it. (It will take the previously active window by default, but in
>> that case you could have clicked on it or used a keyboard shortcut; there is
>> not really a reason to have active window as an option here.
>> It will also not work for popup menus, whereas KSnaphost will. It will leave
>> you with either the main application window (active window mode) or a blank
>> screenshot (window under cursor mode).
>> It can also not even snapshot the KDE menu correctly, leaving you with a
>> transparent image instead of what the user sees (my KDE menu is not
>> transparent). I am amazed at how much bad stuff I can find for this program,
>> even though I am trying :p.
>> Last but not least the "take new screenshot" button is just not in a
>> comfortable position and the window is too big (and you cannot resize it)
>> for comfortable use since usually you'd be interested in the windows behind
>> it, right.
>> I mean it seems they did everything just about right to make it
>> dysfunctional. That is also a skill.
>> Why people have chosen this thing instead of improving on the old? I don't
>> know. I guess only the name is better (Spectacle). KSnapshot definitely had
>> (and has) limitations but they would be easy to fix and apparently no one is
>> doing it. Its visible dialogue layout is also not that outstanding but it
>> could be improved you know. It's just the spatial layout of the bottom
>> section though, the rest is perfect. I seriously have no need for anything
>> other than KSnapshot in addition to saving in the background, and getting
>> rid of those weird names (previous save names) and also.
>> Being able to create snapshots of a window without transparent border.
>> That's probably a KWin feature, I find it hard to know how to get the DBus
>> thing working for a single Window on purpose / call. You can't actually
>> create shadow-less "square" (or rectangular) screenshots of windows without
>> any extra fluff, but that do contain the window title. You'd have to turn
>> all kinds of desktop effects off for that every time. It was worse under the
>> blue glow of KDE 4 I think, because the extra space you got was even bigger
>> (much bigger). It's pretty workable now.
>> Anyway those were my opinions for a long time about KSnapshot but now with
>> Spectacle everything has got worse (apart from the background mode) (and the
>> name Lol) and I am happy to find that it takes no more than perhaps 3 hours
>> of working and subsequently writing to a mailing list, to set it back to
>> KSnapshot.
>> Regards, B.
>> But PS PS
>> I just fixed it for now by symlinking the qt5 qdbusviewer to the qt4 one:
>> sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qdbusviewer
>> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin
> Hello Xen, have you filed bugs against Spectacle in bugs.kde.org? The
> developer does not (presumably) read this list. Ksnapshot was not only
> unmaintained, but was rapidly bit-rotting, and also would completely
> cease to function in the post-Wayland world, so the Spectacle devel
> took what he could of the old code, and started anew with the rest of
> the application.
> It is new, so bug reports are welcomed. It is fine to do the
> workaround of making ksnapshot work for now, but that will not work
> forever. Therefore, it will help all of us if you make the effort to
> file bug reports and make Spectacle better.
> All the best,
> Valorie
I was not aware that Ksnapshot is deprecated and I use it regularly with 
no problem. I will test spectacle.
For more complex screen recordings I use SimlpeScreenRecorder 
<http://www.maartenbaert.be/simplescreenrecorder/> with it it's possible 
to record video

Regards : TuxMario

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