KDE neon Muon Discover - Can't access Sources / Software Sources

Paul Loughman snowhg at icloud.com
Tue Mar 15 17:32:34 UTC 2016

Kubuntu 15.10
KDE Plasma Version: 5.6.90
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.21.0
Qt Version: 5.5.1
Kernel Version: 4.2.0-34-generic
OS Type: 64-bit

System is fully updated.

When selecting Configure Sources or Advanced > Configure Software Sources, a dialog window appears for entry of your password. The command shows it will execute with: —attach 0 —dont-update

Typing your password and pressing the OK button results in:

Canot execute command ‘ “ —attach 0 —dont-update’.

Paul Loughman
snowhg at icloud.com

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