Kubuntu Dojo - Packaging Training Course

Philip Muskovac yofel at gmx.net
Tue Jul 12 11:37:32 UTC 2016

Am 11.07.2016 um 22:36 schrieb Rick Timmis:
> Hello Everyone
> At last I believe I have finished the 4 part Kubuntu Dojo Training 
> Course. ( link below )
> It is a course delivered in 4 parts, at present 1 part per month. I 
> intend to iterate round the course at least 3 times, with the idea 
> being to promote and engage with new packagers who are interested in 
> getting involved. Later once I am presenting it fluidly I will produce 
> 4 training videos.
> We have a Kubuntu Ninjas "Yellow Belts" Team on LP which I will add 
> new people to, and ideally those that complete the part 4 of the 
> course will be encouraged to apply to join "Kubuntu Packagers" Team, 
> with the hope that they will develop enough skill to become members of 
> "Kubuntu Ninjas"

Small correction there: Please apply for Kubuntu Ninja membership 
instead of Packagers. ~kubuntu-packagers is primarily a branch access 
management team and membership is proxied through other teams 
(kubuntu-ninjas, kubuntu-members, ubuntu-core-dev).
The only direct members of packagers are the people intending to do 
reviews for repository merge requests, as only direct team members get 
notified about those.

> I would welcome input and review comments on the slides, the following 
> link allows View and Comment

Is it just my mail client or is the link missing?

> Kubuntu Dojo 3 will take place in our BBB Conference Server on 
> Thursday July 28th @ 18:00 UTC

Yay :)

> Thanks in advance for you thoughts, comments and input
> Rick
> -- 
> IRC : sick_rimmit
>   G+ :https://plus.google.com/+RickTimmis
>   LP :https://launchpad.net/~rick-timmis
> PGP : 2048R/41BD8798 2016-03-31 [expires: 2016-09-27]
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