Feature Idea - Tool Centre

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Sun Dec 25 01:19:31 UTC 2016

On Sat, Dec 24, 2016 at 2:30 PM, Rick Timmis <rick-timmis at kubuntu.org> wrote:
> Hi Friends
> I'll keep this brief. Years ago Red Hat offered a set of installation
> options to setup different environments. I think it would be cool to do
> the same.
> Using a Mint Style Welcome Screen ( Some work already done on this )
> we'd provide a "Tool Center" feature.
> In this centre would be installation scripts for different setups. For
> example
> Video Editing - Installs KDEnlive, Krita, DVD Tools etc...
> Web Developer - Installs Kdevelop, PHP Plugins, Xdebug, KlinkChecker, etc...
> In addition we would ask the community to provide installer scripts (
> Basically apt-get lists )
> Just an idea...
> Rick

Hi Rick,
This is very similar to what we tried with this project:

Only difference being that it pulls libraries rather than
applications. I think one general problem is (maybe from my KDE hat)
is that it's hard to document this kind of settings when they're
deeply distribution-dependent, so ideally it's something that needs to
be easily listed in Discover so we can document it at a platform

One technology you can look into is AppStream and its <suggests> field:

Another thing we've discussed is the possibility to show suggestions
more prominently in Discover, although we haven't finalized the design
yet. If you're interested I'll be happy to hear your ideas.


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