Packages with broken dependencies

Mark Fraser mfraz74+ubuntu at
Sat Sep 5 18:57:57 UTC 2015

On 5 Sep 2015 18:06, "Scott Kitterman" <ubuntu at> wrote:
> On Saturday, September 05, 2015 05:37:56 PM Mark Fraser wrote:
> > Finally upgraded to 15.04 and have noticed that quite a few plasma-
> > widget packages are no longer installable as they depend upon
> > plasma-scriptengine-python which isn't in the 15.04 (and 15.10)
> > repository. This seems to be due to KDE5 only supporting Qt5.
> >
> > Is it therefore worth removing these packages from 15.10 as no one
> > is going to be able to install them?
> How you got a list?

Bit difficult to find as I couldn't do a rdepends search in 15.04 as the
package doesn't exist. Searching in 14.10 for packages that depend on
plasma-scriptengine-python brings up these 3.
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