Fwd: Kubuntu Membership Application Meeting
Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at kde.org
Fri Oct 30 17:07:36 UTC 2015
Hi José,
On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 5:29 PM, José Manuel Santamaría
<panfaust at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Myriam,
> El Jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015 16:36:38 Myriam Schweingruber escribió:
>> I am a bit puzzled with the extremely short time frame we have here,
>> at least 2 days are already in the past, could we have a more sane
>> schedule so we can actually plan something in advance? Or is this so
>> extremely urgent that it has to be done yesterday?
>> Sorry to sound a tad sarcastic, but I have a job and need to be able
>> to free time, and getting to know things a bit more in advance would
>> be really helpful...
>> Regards, Myriam
> The time frame can be extended as much as you want, just give me your
> preferred final date: Novemeber 20? December 6? December 20? No problem.
It's not about a preferred final date, but you posted the doodle
starting with a date the same day you sent it, how about asking people
a week before and then let them choose over as week or two? would make
more sense than suggesting a date the very same day you send the
proposal. Currently the doodle runs with the first day being on
October 27th. and it goes to the end of next week, that is simply too
short a notice.
Regards, Myriam
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