Fwd: I am very much impressed!

Ovidiu-Florin BOGDAN ovidiu.b13 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 05:27:39 UTC 2015

---------- Mesaj redirecționat ----------
De la: "M.Verschoof" <mverschoof at poboxes.eu>
Dată: 27 nov. 2015 07:04
Subiect: I am very much impressed!
Către: <jriddell at ubuntu.com>, <ovidiu-florin at kubuntu.org>

Dear Kubuntu developers,

In my own 35 years of ICT career and as a long time Linux/Gnome user,
Kubuntu 15.10 is the most professional, intelligent and beautiful Desktop I
have ever seen. It transcends any other desktop environment.

It is the perfect example of people that show that they love and know their

Thank you very much for this beauty!

What more can I say, except that I hope Kubuntu also to be fully fledged
available on most tablets and smartphones soon.

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