Kubuntu November Hangout

Rick Timmis rick.timmis at abazander.com
Mon Nov 23 20:49:41 UTC 2015

On 18/11/15 15:23, Philip Muskovac wrote:
> Hey,
> now that it's been a few days since UOS, and we're mostly done with 
> cleaning up our Trello boards, we might want to do another Hangout or 
> IRC Meeting to do a card review and a general team update before the 
> December Podcast. Anyone interested?
> I set up a Doodle Poll with some times that I hope aren't too 
> inconvenient:
> http://doodle.com/poll/a99def329eigyr7d
> That also includes this weekend if we want to do a Hangout while some 
> of us are in Munich, otherwise it probably makes sense to do it next 
> week so we can summarize what happened over the weekend.
> Philip
Hi Phillip

At the UOS Hangout we scheduled another Hangout on 2nd Dec, 1hr ahead of 
the Kubuntu Podcast.

to that event

I've completed my availability on Doodle
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