Problems in Kubuntu

Rick Timmis rick.timmis at
Wed Nov 11 20:44:09 UTC 2015

On 11/11/15 20:36, Anderson Unsonst wrote:
> Eu percebi que o ja se encontra fora do ar 
> e eu gostaria de alguma forma reativar ou dar continuidade ao kubunto 
> Brasil
> I realized that already is off-line and I 
> would like to somehow revive or continue the Kubunto Brazil

OK Great...

What help do you need to get started ?

> 2015-11-11 18:02 GMT-02:00 Rick Timmis <rick.timmis at 
> <mailto:rick.timmis at>>:
>     Hi Paul, and Kubuntu Brazil
>     I was very sorry to see this series of emails. I have to admit, I
>     do not understand spanish and so could not read the first email to
>     the list.
>     I am still unclear about the problem..
>     We absolutely welcome ALL Bug reports and we would encourage you
>     to report them. I understand that there can be confusion about
>     where bugs should be reported.
>     Bugs specific to KDE applications report to
>     <>
>     Bugs about Kubuntu installer to <>
>     I hope that you will reconsider you decision.
>     Best Wishes
>     Rick Timmis
>     On 09/11/15 14:21, contato at
>     <mailto:contato at> wrote:
>         Hello,
>         Discontinued Kubuntu Brazil site, position According to our
>         team of developers and lawyers of our company.
>         Because We Can not Provide Support without the help of
>         Canonical community,
>         Canonical is not listening to users and letting all the users
>         hand.
>         Cordially,
>         Paul C.
>         General manager
>         Em 09-11-2015 12:11, contato at
>         <mailto:contato at> escreveu:
>             Hello,
>             We are reporting what users report for our team, a little
>             education would be enough, after all is a list of
>             developers expect a help, because as we are responsible
>             for Kubuntu Brazil, we are also responsible for giving one
>             answers to users in Brazil .
>             I see that Kubuntu is not leading to serious problems and
>             see that it is easier to play from one side to the other
>             because users had already reported these problems to
>             Canonical, but the same does not seem to listen to users,
>             which is a shame coming from a Linux system, after all
>             that we know is a community where all help and are helped.
>             Even so sorry to report bugs, it is easier to ignore them
>             is not it?
>             If we do not support, we can not continue with the site
>             because without support nothing survives.
>             Let's rethink the position to continue with the site
>             Kubuntu Brazil, because we do not have to turn to both
>             Canonical and bug reports are not heard.
>     -- 
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