sddm not starting after upgrade

Scarlett Clark sgclark at
Sat Mar 21 03:04:57 UTC 2015

On 03/20/2015 07:53 PM, Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 7:48 PM, Clay Weber <clay at> wrote:
>> On Friday, March 20, 2015 07:42:24 PM Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 3:47 PM, Scarlett Clark <sgclark at> wrote:
>>>> Yep, we are aware as I am affected myself and it *NEEDS* to be fixed, I am
>>>> not in a position where I can
>>>> reinstall. So in short, it is a priority before release :)
>>>> Scarlett
>>>> On 03/20/2015 03:43 PM, Dale Trombley wrote:
>>>> Being fully updated I'm still getting this issue? Will this be fixed in an
>>>> update or do I need to reinstall?
>>>> On Mar 15, 2015 7:14 AM, "Philip Muskovac" <yofel at> wrote:
>>>>> On Thursday 12 March 2015 23:39:48 Jonathan Riddell wrote:
>>>>>> Today's update has a nice daily image working well with ubiquity-dm but
>>>>>> seems to fall for a mysterious bug on some upgrades where login manager
>>>>>> sddm does not run if you reboot
>>>>>> you can start it manually by logging in at the linux console and
>>>>>> running
>>>>>> systemctl start sddm
>>>>>> and a reinstall of the live cd fixes it
>>>>>> but as yet I've no idea what makes it not start sddm.  Any suggestions
>>>>>> welcome.
>>>>>  From the messages on the various bug reports, and from the discussion I
>>>>> had with Aaron and BluesKaj in #kubuntu-devel, the common pattern seems
>>>>> to
>>>>> be:
>>>>> Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sddm.service; disabled; vendor
>>>>> preset:
>>>>> enabled)
>>>>> from systemctl status sddm. A simple "systemctl enable sddm" should fix
>>>>> that. I'm clueless what disables sddm in the first place though...
>>>>> Philip
>>> I'm still finding `systemctl enable sddm` necessary today in a
>>> freshly-installed, freshly-updated Vivid beta. Wifi didn't start
>>> automatically and in fact I found the "start automatically" choice
>>> unchecked again. I'll add my input on
>>> once I start up again with
>>> the start-auto enabled and see if it still happens.
>>> Other small glitches I've noticed: the lockscreen no longer
>>> automatically catches your input. In other words, the cursor is not in
>>> the textbox. That is slightly annoying every time.
>>> I have the slideshow enabled on my screen, and recently the new image
>>> is being placed right over the old image, rather than replacing it.
>>> Since I have it set to scale, some are smaller, and I've seen as many
>>> as four images stacked one on top of the other. Very unprofessional.
>>> I will report those last two upstream if somebody tells me the names
>>> to use in the bug reports.
>>> Valorie
>> have   you run
>> $ sudo systemctl enable sddm.service -f
>> This is what the interwebs told me to do (can't remember where I got that
>> from)
>> All this new learnin' is gonna ;)
>> --
>> Clay Weber
> I have not. I would hope that we find the cause and get this fixed
> before resorting to that.
> Valorie
Unfortunately, something seems to be disabling it again (at least for 
me) as I have run that command many times and still find myself staring 
at a console on reboot :( This really needs to be fixed as that is 
unacceptable for the general population.

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