Problems in Kubuntu 15.04 beta 1

Xen list at
Mon Mar 9 13:16:45 UTC 2015

Quoting Olivier van der Toorn <oliviervdtoorn at>:

> Nano is installed by default. For (Kubuntu) desktop applications I
> thought it was the policy to not have more than one thing do the same
> thing. (For example have two Web browsers)

There is some sense to that, but I think that should or would be  
mostly about the visible applications that are accessible through an  
application menu.

I don't think there is a need for people to have Gvim straight away,  
but vim as a background (command-line) application... let's just say  
that it is also quite surprising that it is not there.

Also, vim-tiny does not get removed when vim is installed. Just my 2  
cents ;-).

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