Problems in Kubuntu 15.04 beta 1
Mustafa Muhammad
mustafaa.alhamdaani at
Sun Mar 8 06:27:13 UTC 2015
On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 1:07 AM, Xen <list at> wrote:
> Hey,
> for info on the baloo_file issue:
> as per the excellent Steve Riley ;-).
> It is about baloo_file depending on a feature of the task scheluler (I/O
> scheduler) that is no longer availabe in the default scheduler.
> Now, I do *not* remember ever seeing baloo_file hog my cpu in 14.10, but I
> *do* remember it from 15.04 alpha 2.
> Please do check this output:
> grep . /sys/block/sd*/queue/scheduler
> If any of your block devices use the "bad" scheduler, it will show as:
> /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler:noop [deadline] cfq
> Otherwise, it will show as:
> /sys/block/sdb/queue/scheduler:noop deadline [cfq]
Thanks for the info
I am getting only:
noop [deadline] cfq
But I have no rotating media as indicated in the link provided.
So, this is a reported bug? or I should do something about it?
> Good luck!
> On Sun, 8 Mar 2015, Mustafa Muhammad wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am testing beta 1, and wanted to report some problems:
>> 1) NetworkManager now requires pppoe binary (which is not installed by
>> default), previously connection could be made using ppp, but now pppoe
>> is required, so I think it should be included in the default
>> installation.
>> 2) vim (full, not minimal) package is small and important please ship
>> it by default.
> I would agree. However, I believe Debian also doesn't ship it by default. It
> is only about 30 meg though.
The packages are only about 5 MiB, after installation they take about
30, so it should not affect the iso that much.
>> 3) When I choose to open folder of downloaded file in Firefox, it uses
>> Gwenview as a file manager.
> In 14.10 there are many anomalies. E.g. Firefox will not find Okukar as the
> PDF viewer. You then have to manually select it as /usr/bin/okukar. There is
> no easy drop down list that would integrate with menu.
> One thing I do hope, by the way, is that when Plasma5 becomes default,
> please retain Plasma4 visuals as well!!! Being able to choose would be an
> amazing asset. There is already a "choice" facility, there is just only one
> thing to choose ;-).
> I cannot underemphasize the value it would have to be able to select between
> the two visual styles.
> I could overemphasize easily. I just don't think speaking too highly of it
> is something many people would do, however, many people would perhaps speak
> too lowly of it, and I just cannot do that ;-).
> So I will say it as it is: do add it.
> To the average person the attractiveness of your distribution goes up by
> 200%.
> It's like "oh my god!". Think teenager style ;-).
> Teenagers love tinkering with layouts and how to present themselves. Having
> a dozen different styles (of amazing quality) would even get higher hopes
> up. But that would be an entire project in and of itself. But it is
> something you can grow over time. Personally I like the plasma4 style much
> better. The reason is the higher contrast, it is better in terms of
> usability.
> Plasma5 is really pretty. But. I don't find myself able to work with it
> really. Even plasma4 has usability issues. For example, the alt-tab
> interface (for selecting windows) is really really poor. For one, there is
> no visual difference that is easy to perceive, between selected and
> non-selected 'thumb' windows. So you might as well not show anything,
> because the whole point of such a thing is to differentiate. Missed the
> point, perhaps?
> I seriously have to focus for 10 seconds to see the visual distinctions and
> my sight is not even bad.
Yeah, choice is good, especially when everybody else is going flat.
> Regards,...
> --
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