Kubuntu Membership Application Meeting - Doodle Poll

Matthias Klumpp mak at debian.org
Sun Jun 14 19:16:37 UTC 2015

Hello everyone :-)
I am pursuing my Kubuntu membership[1], and one of the
last missing steps in the application process is the IRC interview.
In order to find a date for it, I created a Doodle poll. Doodle says
it will be adjusted for timezones, hopefully that's true ;-)
(otherwise, my timezone is CEST)
 => http://doodle.com/erwzrscse5hxedkr

I'm still a bit low on testimonials, but I wrote to some people
already, and hopefully they'll find the time to write something until
the meeting.

Kind regards,
    Matthias Klumpp

[1]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MatthiasKlumpp and

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