KDE Frameworks syncs

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Fri Jul 31 21:53:27 UTC 2015

Fair enough, there won't be any problems then if there's no diff.
We'll upload the 5.12 packages shortly for all of them along with gcc
5 fixes.


On 31 July 2015 at 23:49, Artur Rona <ari-tczew at tlen.pl> wrote:
> Dear Jonathan,
>> Morning artur, I see you synced a bunch of 5.12 KDE Frameworks packages
>> from Debian into Ubuntu.  can you explain your thinking here?
> the inspiration to syncs of KDE Frameworks 5.12 came out from our
> conversation on IRC. The cut of log below:
> [25.07.2015] [11:49:31 CEST] <ari-tczew> does Debian getting in sync with
> Kubuntu the changes?
> [25.07.2015] [11:49:48 CEST] <ari-tczew> I saw a plenty of examples where
> Debian applied our delta.
> [25.07.2015] [11:51:41 CEST] <Riddell> yeah it's all in the same git
> archives now so it's a simple merge
> [25.07.2015] [11:52:19 CEST] <ari-tczew> includes syncs
> [25.07.2015] [11:52:49 CEST] <ari-tczew> so if there is no delta between
> Debian and Ubuntu can I just sync a package?
> [25.07.2015] [11:53:00 CEST] <Riddell> of course
> As I'm involved in reducing delta between Debian and Ubuntu, reffering to
> your answer, I just wanted to make a delta of Frameworks as small as
> possible.
>> We're building 5.12 in a PPA and going the GCC transition as part of that,
>> there's not usually any need to sync from Debian because we do a bulk upload
>> of everything when it's ready.
> Once again. I understood both (your answer and fact that Debian applies
> already our delta) as the open way to keep Kubuntu in sync/merge from
> Debian. If I'm wrong, I don't see really any point to merging our changes in
> Debian git and then packaging new upstream releases whole Framework from
> scratch.
>> I don't think it'll cause any problems and I guess you selected somehow
>> which ones to sync? But problems can't always be predicted.
> The first I took from page [1] with green colour. Of course if Build-Depends
> have been satisfied => no FTBFS in pbuilder.
> [1]
> http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ppa-status/frameworks/build_status_5.12.0_wily.html
> --
> Kind Regards,
> Artur Rona

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