Agenda for Kubuntu Day at Akademy

José Manuel Santamaría Lema panfaust at
Tue Jul 28 11:25:43 UTC 2015

Hi Valorie,

El Lunes, 20 de julio de 2015 01:53:54 Valorie Zimmerman escribió:
> Hello folks, we're about a week out from Kubuntu Day. Jonathan has
> pointed out that an agenda would be useful.
> Please reply to this thread with suggestions of issues we need to
> discuss or decide, and that definitely includes the future of the
> project.
> Already there are suggestions in IRC, but I'd like to have them here
> on the list so we're sure that everyone is able to have their say,
> whether or not they are able to attend Akademy.
> All the best,
> Valorie

I could brief you about the GCC 5 preparation; what's done, what's being done 
and what needs to be done in a soonish future.

Also I think it would be nice to discuss how to manage the merges from debian 
(automatically vs. manually) and how to proceed if you are going to continue 
with the manual approach.

I can prepare some short slides about these topics. I'm not very good talking 
in english in person (I don't have much practice) so if I get in trouble I can 
allways show the slides and make gestures like Mr. Bean.

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