whoop whoop
Harald Sitter
sitter at kde.org
Mon Feb 9 13:53:15 UTC 2015
[14:34] <ScottK> FYI, after all the who ha about how critical it was
to change the scheduler to CFQ in trusty, the relevant bug (1378789)
is still unverified 2 and a half months later.
[14:34] <ScottK> Does anyone care?
[14:44] <sitter> the day anyone starts carying about bug reports...
[14:48] <-- cyberangel (~quassel at 2a02:270:2014:30:3d82:6750:63fe:428)
has left this server (Ping timeout: 252 seconds).
[14:49] --> cyberangel (~quassel at 2a02:270:2014:30:3d82:6750:63fe:428)
has joined this channel.
[14:50] <ScottK> Considering someone thought it was worth going to the
tech board to fix, seems at silly not to go to the trouble of
verifying the SRU.
[14:51] <sitter> yes
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