symbols on new pim libraries WAS: Re: away until monday afternoon

Harald Sitter sitter at
Fri Aug 14 10:05:16 UTC 2015

On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 11:30 AM, Jonathan Riddell <jr at> wrote:
> I'm away until monday afternoon
> Please keep fixing those applications packages and keep reponsding to
> doko's pings about stuff that needs fixed for gcc transition

On a related note. Since there was confusion about this earlier.

All packages listed in green (the ones I handled) here:
have either no symbols file or a stub file. So any missing symbols are
simply because the stubs were generated on GCC4 and can be safely

And finally because it came up yesterday: to conveniently strip
MISSING lines from all symbols files in a package you can use
symbolstrip from [1] and to generate a new symbols file from scratch
you can use symbolize (heavily automated thing ontop of gensymbols).

symbolstrip is simply called in the dir containing debian/.

symbolize has --help and is usually called like so (it infers package
name from the lib name):
> symbolize -v 15.07.90 -i tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

If someone feels less lazy then me feel free to put them in a repo somewhere.


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