Fwd: My document is nearing completion

Xen list at xenhideout.nl
Fri Apr 17 18:29:56 UTC 2015

I sent this with the wrong account last Wednesday, and it was rejected.

     Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 20:23:48 +0200
  Subject: My document is nearing completion


still not sure if anyone is wanting it, but...

I have my document about the design of the website (in structural
terms) ready almost.

It is not perfect, but on paper (or PDF, in full view) looks much
better than in the small format of a Calligra window.

I was surprised by how readable it really is once you expand your
scope a little, once you allow yourself to be treated to a normal
experience (such as a printout).

Maybe it can just be the design document for the website in the end.

I was or had been planning to share a little suggestion list from it:


Badly formatted, yes, and not completely written. The end line I have  
not changed. Have it. Be gone with it, I want it to leave my hands ;-).

Regards, Bart

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