Text of new Feature Tour page
Valorie Zimmerman
valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com
Thu Apr 9 09:16:54 UTC 2015
On Wed, Apr 8, 2015 at 3:39 AM, Paweł Abramowicz <pawelabrams at gmail.com> wrote:
> The updated phrases are all great, but I would adjust these two:
>> Listen to your music or watch movies in Kubuntu. Simply select a song or a
>> movie; if you use restricted formats such as MP3, installation is two
>> clicks, usually during installation.
> Installation is two clicks, but the second word 'installation' doesn't say
> much about the moment it takes place. How about "installation is two clicks,
> usually while you set up your system"?
>> Amarok, Kubuntu’s default music player, has an intuitive and friendly
>> interface. Play the music you love, and discover new music. Make playlists
>> for parties, to burn to CDs, listen to local radio, or in a language you are
>> practicing. The possibilities are endless.
> That "in a language" part doesn't quite chime in with the rest of the
> sentence for me. Maybe we should add something like "or phrases in a
> language you are practicing" (or "learning"; also: is this comma before "or"
> necessary?)
> Anyways, great update to the feature tour!
> Paweł Abramowicz
Good suggestions, Pawel. My main concern is getting rid of incorrect
text first, and extra words and phrases second. The images are GREAT;
fewer words are better.
> 2015-04-08 11:31 GMT+02:00 Valorie Zimmerman <valorie.zimmerman at gmail.com>:
>> I don't know a better way to suggest my edits; please advise if there
>> is a better way.
>> "Browse your files with an easy to use interface" > Browse your files
>> easily
>> dolphin
>> "Easily find that important Document, Picture, or Video quickly." >
>> Quickly find your important document, photo or video. (no full-stop,
>> or all full-stops: be consistent)
>> "With useful features such as Split View, Editable Location, a
>> built-in Terminal and many others." > Split View, Editable Location, a
>> built-in Terminal and many other useful features
>> "Browse images with a beautiful interface" > Browse images
>> gwenview
>> "Pictures are an important part of today’s life, with hundreds of
>> photos of family and friends.
>> That’s why we think that you should be able to view them easily using
>> a pretty interface.
>> Kubuntu comes with graphic applications designed for the home user.
>> You can browse, view, share and even enhance your pictures." >
>> Images are an important part of modern life. Kubuntu graphic
>> applications make it easy to browse, share and enhance your photos.
>> "Seamlessly open documents" > Open and read documents easily
>> okular
>> "Open PDF, Dejavu, PS, DVI and more out-of-the-box.
>> Annotate documents and fill in forms with Okular, the universal document
>> viewer.
>> Okular reads eBooks too!" > Open PDF, Dejavu, PS, DVI and more,
>> annotate documents and fill in forms, and even read eBooks with
>> Ocular, the universal document reader.
>> Surf the Internet with Firefox
>> firefox
>> "Kubuntu comes with the award-winning Firefox web browser by default.
>> More open-source browsers are available through Kubuntu’s software
>> repositories." > no change
>> Productivity suite
>> kontact
>> "Kontact is the productivity suite that does it all: email,
>> calendaring, address books, to-do lists, RSS feed aggregation and
>> personal time tracking.
>> Never forget important meetings with Kontact’s reminder service.
>> Keep track of all your projects and print to-do lists with the task
>> manager." > no change
>> Chat right from the desktop with your friends
>> kdetelepathy
>> "KDE Instant Messenger, Kubuntu’s instant-messaging client, lets you
>> chat with your friends over Facebook Chat, Google Talk, AIM, ICQ,
>> Jabber, Messenger, Skype and many more from a single interface.
>> KDE Instant Messenger comes packed with plugins that let you chat
>> securely, translate incoming messages to your native language and
>> more."
>> > KDE Instant Messenger lets you chat with your friends over Facebook
>> > Chat, Google Talk, AIM, ICQ, Jabber, Messenger, and Skype. Plus, you can
>> > chat securely, and translate incoming messages to your native language.
>> Multimedia made easy with Kubuntu
>> dragon-player
>> "Kubuntu comes built-in with a music and a movie player that are simple to
>> use.
>> Simply select a song or a movie and Kubuntu will take care of the rest.
>> Kubuntu plays most music and video formats out the box; restricted
>> formats such as MP3 are installed with two clicks when needed, usually
>> during the installation process."
>> > Listen to your music or watch movies in Kubuntu. Simply select a song or
>> > a movie; if you use restricted formats such as MP3, installation is two
>> > clicks, usually during installation.
>> Music experienced on a different level
>> amarok
>> "Amarok, Kubuntu’s default music player, has an intuitive and friendly
>> interface.
>> It makes playing the music you love and discovering new music easier
>> than ever before—and it looks good doing it!
>> Add radio stations from your area, set up an alarm clock and burn
>> music CDs directly from Amarok." > Set up an alarm clock? Burn CDs?
>> Not since Amarok in KDE3, I think.
>> How about:
>> Amarok, Kubuntu’s default music player, has an intuitive and friendly
>> interface. Play the music you love, and discover new music. Make
>> playlists for parties, to burn to CDs, listen to local radio, or in a
>> language you are practicing. The possibilities are endless.
>> Complete and professional office suite
>> libreoffice
>> "Create professional documents, spreadsheets and presentations with
>> LibreOffice.
>> LibreOffice is compatible with all office applications including
>> Microsoft Office.
>> The big difference is that LibreOffice is free (and promises never to
>> introduce Mr. Clippy)." - fine, no changes.
>> Given my druthers, I wouldn't describe Libreoffice at all, since it is
>> not KDE software, but we do offer it.
>> Valorie
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