Fwd: request for cmplayer 0.8.16 inclusion
Jonathan Riddell
jr at jriddell.org
Fri Oct 31 13:56:13 UTC 2014
lintian gives a bunch of errors
E: cmplayer source: source-contains-waf-binary src/mpv/waf
W: cmplayer source: outdated-autotools-helper-file src/libchardet/tools/config.guess 2009-11-20
W: cmplayer source: outdated-autotools-helper-file src/libchardet/tools/config.sub 2009-11-20
W: cmplayer source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends cmplayer
E: cmplayer source: declares-possibly-conflicting-debhelper-compat-versions rules=4 compat=7
W: cmplayer source: package-uses-deprecated-debhelper-compat-version 4
E: cmplayer source: build-depends-on-metapackage build-depends: qt5-default
W: cmplayer source: debian-rules-sets-DH_COMPAT line 9
W: cmplayer source: debian-rules-ignores-make-clean-error line 39
W: cmplayer source: debian-rules-missing-recommended-target build-indep
W: cmplayer source: debian-rules-missing-recommended-target build-arch
W: cmplayer source: no-debian-copyright
E: cmplayer source: no-standards-version-field
There's no debian/copyright file
It embeds various libraries which aren't in the upstream tar, you should document in debian/README.Debian how you made this tar and rename the tar to
something like cmplayer+deps_0.8.16.orig.tar.xz
or better yet just use the packaged versions of libav, libchardet and libmpv, do you know why it doesn't use these if installed? I don't think it'll get accepted if it just embeds them.
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