Kubuntu 15.04

Jörn Schönyan joern.schoenyan at web.de
Mon Oct 27 14:13:52 UTC 2014

Am Montag, 27. Oktober 2014 14:56:27 CEST schrieb Scarlett Clark:
> On Monday, October 27, 2014 12:50:11 PM Jonathan Riddell wrote:
>> Well done on a great job on Kubuntu 14.10 everyone, doing two flavours
>> of Kubuntu is quite a feat and I think we pulled it off well.
>> Time to look at 15.04, Vivid.
>> The big decision is whether to switch to Plasma 5.  My opinion is that
>> the stability is pleasingly good and there's only a few missing
>  ...
> If SDDM gets sorted, YES. Otherwise a big NO.
> Scarlett
I would like to ask, why SDDM? LightDM is some kind of a hard dependency 
for Nvidia Optimus hardware. Even if I, on the other side, would be happy 
if SDDM works. Lubuntu will probably want to use it, too.

Best regards, Jörn

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