Kolab Sys's KDE PIM enterprise and Kubuntu

James Cain james.cain.25 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 24 18:03:17 UTC 2014

On Sat, Nov 22, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Jonathan Riddell <jr at jriddell.org> wrote:

> Almost all but not quite everyone agrees that KDE PIM should be renamed to
> Kontact.

​From a user-standpoint, I agree 100 pct. KDE PIM as a name is a tad bland,
and I don't think it necessary for a suite of applications to be formally
named what they collectively literally are and do.​ Kontact sounds KDE-ish
(a good thing) and points the focus on things that comprise the main focus
of what the suite is about. I.e. interacting with contacts via email,
tasks, calendar, and address book.

However the most important thing regarding PIM is getting the bugs out and
increasing efficiency and performance in order to increase awareness and
usage adoption.
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