Desktop notification study - earn donations for FLOSS projects!

Celeste Lyn Paul celeste at
Tue May 13 20:39:07 UTC 2014

Hello everyone!

It has been a while since I've been in contact with the open source
community. Between finishing my PhD and getting a job, my life has been
very busy. However, I have continued to think about open source communities
while I have been away. For example, like the study I am currently running.

Desktop notifications are a service to help you maintain awareness of
applications and services running in the background. Love them or hate
them, they provide an essential service that we cannot live without. The
first Desktop Notification Study focused on the KDE community. Results of
the study provided interesting insight to what makes a notification good or

The current study expands the focus to all Free/Libre/Open Source Software
communities. Tell me about the most recent notification you received and
help me understand what makes a notification good or bad across the board.

For each completed survey, *the project will donate $1 USD* to one of the
following projects (you choose): KDE, Gnome, Free Software Foundation, Free
Software Foundation Europe, and the Apache Foundation.

Spread the word and share with your friends, earning donations to your
favorite FLOSS project along the way!


~ Celeste Lyn Paul <>
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