more trello boards, again :P
Harald Sitter
apachelogger at
Tue May 13 10:00:32 UTC 2014
Today I created two new boards:
- 14.10 Deadlines & Quality (as previously seen for 14.04 this is to
manage things that need to be done around a certain point in time)
- Epics
Epics is an entirely new board supposed to contain large cards that do
not necessarily contribute to the upcoming release but are long term
targets we need to work on. Ultimately we'd end up in a situation
where the regular 14.10 board's todo is almost always empty and
whenever it is empty we'd work on epics instead (alas, right now I
don't see that happening because of the amount of cards in the regular
board :'<).
Example for Epics:
An epic for example is "Port all our stuff to Qt5", porting for the
most part is not critical for 14.10 and probably not even 15.04, also
this is really 5 cards in one. These attributes make this card an epic
card rather than a regular one. Whenever we can squeeze work on this
card in the schedule we should do so to progress it in baby steps
rather than not at all.
To support this baby step approach I would like to encourage people to
create new cards on the per-release boards or even entire boards if
they feel that they need to track more things. It greatly helps with
not loosing track :)
Why Epics?
The motivation behind epic cards comes from a number of things:
a) prevent relase critical cards from drowning in a bunch of epic
cards that will not ever get done in one cycle anyway
b) enable everyone to pick and schedule cards according to the available time
c) as mentioned initially, ultimately we'd want to reach a point where
the release specific board stops piling up cards
Where do Epics rate in a priority ordered list?
Deadlines > 14.10 > Epics > random QA (bug triage etc)
What if Epics don't work out?
This entire thing is very much a test run for this cycle, if it
doesn't end up giving us the intended advantage we'll merge epics back
into normal cards for 15.04. Please note that we'll then have to do
*at least* one meeting per cycle to review *all* cards to reorganize
and abandon stuff (i.e. clean out rubbish). Otherwise we'll soon
enough have 100 cards before the next development cycle even starts
and nothing of importance will ever get done in time again.
Please ask if you have any questions
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