iso content review #2 report

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Mon Mar 10 06:06:49 UTC 2014

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan
<ovidiu.b13 at> wrote:
> On Sunday 09 March 2014 04:32:23 Lorenzo Bicci wrote:
>> Maybe it's a stupid question, but why not VLC? It does everything well and
>> quite every user, even if coming from other OS's, already knows it.
>> What about Clementine? I don't know how much ISO space it takes, but I
>> like it better then Amarok and again it has the advantage of being available
>> for Windows and OSX too.

> Because they are not part of KDE.
> If KDE provides a good enough application for a specific functionality, then
> Kubuntu will ship that one.
> AFAIK this is the Kubuntu way. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
> --
> Ovidiu-Florin Bogdan
> Kubuntu România

Yes, indeed! Only when our choices of KDE-provided software are poor
or absent, do we reluctantly provide alternatives. Having to move to
Firefox is painful, for instance, but our KDE software choices were
not acceptable.

Harald has worked really hard on finding the best alternatives for the
ISO, and I applaud him for that work. People who want VLC, Clementine
or Juk will be easily able to install them.

Also, for the record, Amarok is available for both Windows and Mac.


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