Maintaining packages in Debian

Scott Kitterman ubuntu at
Tue Jul 8 15:22:25 UTC 2014

As KDE is broken down into more and more smaller packages there are 
increasingly many of them that the only difference we have with Debian is the 
Vcs-foo and the maintainer.  

It would be nice if we could get to the point where it was easy to have 
packages with no real diff sync from Debian.

The Vcs-foo we need for automation to work, so I have a proposal.

Please see the attached lskat package diff (it's a diff from Debian's but other 
than the changelog entries, it's the same as Kubuntu's) as a prototype for how 
we might autogenerate correct Vcs-foo for both Debian and Kubuntu out of one 
source package.

By design, it should give Debian Vcs-foo for any non-Ubuntu derivative and 
Ubuntu Vcs-foo for Kubuntu.  I think it's reasonably extensible if there are 
other Debian derivatives that care about this (it'd be a change in debian-qt- to do this for more derivatives, no additional per-package change).

If an approach like this makes sense, the rules changes would be integrated 
into from pkg-kde-tools so that the only per package change 
needed would be to add

If this seems reasonable, I'll raise it on the Debian qt-kde team list.

Scott K
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