Kubuntu and AppStream

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Wed Jul 2 00:46:18 UTC 2014

One of the projects I'm mentoring this summer is Muon on Debian and the
goal is to have Muon fully usable on Debian, like it is for Kubuntu.

One of the things we've stumbled upon, during the development is that
apparently Debian will drop the app-install-data support in favor of
AppStream from the next release, so we will need to port Muon to it somehow.

I'm sending this e-mail because I would like to know what's the opinion of
Kubuntu regarding this change. Does Kubuntu also want to do the change? Are
there impediments? Is there anything KDE should do to make this happen?

I think it would be a good idea to embrace it, but then we need to make
sure we'll have a populated database with at least the same data as
app-install-data. On the other hand, this would simplify the adoption of
Muon by other distributions and also ensure the data we're offering in the
Software Centers is coming from upstream.


PS: CC'd Floris, the student doing the work on Debian.
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