synaptiks update needs testing

Jörn Schönyan joern.schoenyan at
Fri Jan 31 13:30:26 UTC 2014

Am 31.01.2014 13:59, schrieb Harald Sitter:
> alohas
> we have a synaptiks update that requires testing for precise, quantal
> and saucy before we can push it to the regular updates:
> everyone with a touchpad and a mouse and one of the aformentioned
> versions can help, simply start synpatiks, activate the 'Automatically
> switch off touchpad, if a mouse is plugged' option and plug in a
> mouse. if synaptiks does not crash it is working :)
> simply leave a comment about the workingness and mention the kubuntu
> version you are on.
Hello, for me it's running fine on Kubuntu 13.10 on an Acer Aspire
V3-571G with an additional Logitech mouse. Thanks for the fix!
> HS

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